Wet Basements

Common Causes of Wet Basements Poor Roof Drainage (downspouts/gutters) If your gutters are full of leaves and debris that leaves nowhere for rainwater to go and it will end up overflowing into your landscaping and into the ground around your foundation. This is going to lead to bowing and leaning walls due to hydrostatic pressure


4 Steps to an “Economic Foundation Repair”

Economic Foundation Repair The following article 4 Steps to an “Economic Foundation Repair” is taken from myfoundationrepairs.com.  The article is useful when you have a complex foundation problem. Generally, we refer you to a professional 3rd party engineer if an agreement cannot be made on what repairs are needed.  A typical engineer will cost between


Foundation Repair for Debris Pits

Foundation Repair for Debris Pits Here is a link/video to a job Atlas Piers worked on in NW Atlanta, GA.  The current homeowner bought the house after helical piers were installed to fix a foundation problem over a debris pit (buried wood debris under the foundation).  The helical piers were installed but did not penetrate


How a helical pier works – Take Flight part 2

How a Helical Pier Works In part one of this discussion, we talked about what a helical flight is. This post will hopefully add some insight into how torque equates to loading in helical piers.  We will also discuss one of the HUGE blunders of a local. Helical piers are screwed in by a hydraulic


Piering Manufacturers

Piering Manufacturers In 2003 there were 20 helical or resistance piering manufacturers, 4 of them were considered “Major”. The top two companies were AB Chance and Atlas Systems (where we received our name).  In 2009 there were over 50  manufactures of piers, with AB Chance topping the list followed by Earth Contact Products then Dixie,