Not all Helical Piers are the Same

Not all Helical Piers are the Same From a distance, helical piers from manufacturer to manufacturer look similar, but are they? In simplest terms – not all helical piers are the same. As a matter of fact, there can be huge differences in helical anchors. Some suppliers use old oilfield pipe (known as J55 pipe) and


Foundation Repair Information and Advice

Foundation Repair Information and Advice Repairing potential foundation problems should be a priority for every homeowner. Foundation repairs prevent little problems from becoming bigger, keep your home safe, and protect the value of your property. Fortunately, foundation problems tend to develop and worsen slowly, giving you time to make a thorough evaluation and decide on


Using Carbon Fiber to Repair Bridges in Georgia

Using Carbon Fiber to Repair Bridges in Georgia Below is an article describing on using carbon fiber to repair bridges in Georgia. From Tech Transfer Newsletter, Summer 2003 » Repairs with High-Performance Materials Make Bridges Stronger, Last Longer By Rick Deaver, Abdul-Hamid Zureick and Brian Summers Field and laboratory studies in Georgia show that carbon


Foundation Repair – Your Options

Foundation Repair – Your Options are Numerous When choosing a foundation repair contractor you need to know what foundation repair product options you have to choose from. When it comes to foundation repair work on your home, there are several choices that need to be made. These choices range from using helical piers or steel


Horizontal Cracks in Home Foundation and Bowing Basement Walls—Don’t Wait for Your Foundation to Fail Repair Them Now!

If you observe horizontal cracks or bowing walls in your basement, it could be a sign of a severe foundation issue that necessitates basement foundation repair. These types of cracks or walls are an indication of lateral pressures affecting your basement wall, which can have disastrous consequences for your residence. When you notice signs of


Deck Foundations – Using Helical Piers

Deck Foundations – Using Helical Piers as Your Solution We have all heard the old adage “It is only as strong  as its foundation”. This particularly true with your home and the additions that  you make to it. When adding a deck to your home, using helical anchors for its foundation gives you the security


Is that Foundation Crack Serious?

Is your Foundation Crack Serious? Here is a great video explanation of cracking in your basement slab or concrete slabs in general.  While each situation is different it gives a great overview. How to Determine if a Foundation Crack in Your Home Is Serious By: Danny Lipford In categories: Ask Danny, Concrete and Masonry, Flooring,


Carbon Fiber Reinforcement for Foundations

Carbon Fiber Reinforcement for Foundations This article taken from which is a great site for understanding what’s going on with foundation problems. We have all heard about the strength and unique properties of carbon fiber. It is used in many high tech applications such as car racing, mountain bikes, fishing poles, golf clubs and