Commercial and Residential Grouting Solutions

Chemical Grouting Alabama Your home is your biggest investment, and the foundation is an integral part of any home.  In order to keep your home in the best condition possible, the foundation must be maintained. Soil and water is the biggest threat that your foundation will face.  Saturated expansive soil puts hydro-static pressure on the


When to Use Carbon Fiber as a Solution

When to Use Carbon Fiber as a Solution Pressure from the soil around your home’s walls can cause your walls to bow and crack. With all the rain that Georgia has, the soil around your home may be holding too much water and exerting too much pressure against the walls of your basement. Atlas Piers


Common Signals of Foundation Problems

Common Foundation Problems Atlanta When it comes to foundation problems, some signals are easier to spot than others. However, all signals alert you to a potentially dangerous situation. However small the problem might seem, it is important to contact a professional right away to come assess the situation. Your home is a big investment. Leaving


Signs of a Sinking Foundation

Sinking Foundation Atlanta Repairs A sinking foundation is one of the most common problems when it comes to the more serious foundation problems. It is a danger to you and your family, and can cause the value of your home to decrease significantly. Also, if not taken care of can cause many different foundation problems


Don’t Put Off Till Tomorrow What You Can Do Today

Foundation Repairs are Nothing to Put Off Walking around your home, you may not even realize that your home may be in need of serious foundation repairs. Something as simple as a wall crack may mean your home’s foundation is beginning to fail. And while you may think that putting off foundation repairs is okay,


When to Hire a Foundation Repair Contractor

When to Hire a Foundation Repair Atlanta, GA Contractor Foundation contractors are necessary for any foundation repair job.  When you notice the warning signs of foundation issues, sticking doors, sticking windows, wall cracks, and bowing and leaning walls. The question is, who do you call?  Choosing your foundation repair Atlanta, GA contractor can be a


When are Carbon Fiber Strips a Good Solution?

Carbon Fiber GA Solutions Carbon fiber is a great solution for any problems involving external pressure on foundation walls.  Consider carbon fiber strips as a brace that will alleviate pressure and waterproof your basement.   They are also a great green solution for anyone who is environmentally minded. With carbon fiber, you can be guaranteed a


Buying a Home with Foundation Issues

What to Look for in a Foundation when Buying a Home When purchasing a home it is of the utmost importance that you, the buyer, are aware of of the signs of foundation damage.  It is every homeowners nightmare to buy a home only to find that it needs thousands of dollars in repair. The


Basement Waterproofing Atlanta

Basement Waterproofing Atlanta A leaky basement is a nuisance. Everyone dreads walking down to their basement to find water pooling at the foot of the stairs. If you dread heavy rain because you know your basement will be wet after the storm, we are here to help. Though basement waterproofing Atlanta products and systems can help


Damp Crawlspace Atlanta

It’s Just a Little Water A damp crawlspace can be a nasty, smelly mess, and these conditions can cause mold and mildew to grow and build up in your basement or crawlspace and can cause wood to rot and decay. These problems can result in structural damage to your home as well as harmful airborne mold spores. Such problems are a