How Important are Foundation Piers in your New Construction in Atlanta?
New Homes Constructed with Piering Solutions are Built to Last
Just like many of the other states in the southern part of the country, Georgia receives a decent amount of rainfall year-round. This precipitation has been known to effect new home construction and the stability of already built homes in the area. When you and your family are beginning to build your dream home, or you begin making plans for the new store you’ve wanted to open for years, it is important to be aware of certain precautions that can be taken to make your home less susceptible to settling and the problems that come with it.
Atlas Piers of Atlanta is known for our piering options. When home and business owners in Georgia run into foundation failure, they call us to solve their problem. But did you know that piering isn’t just for failing foundations? Sure, many homeowners do wait until they notice signs of trouble to consider underpinning, but that doesn’t have to always be the case. Why wait until your home is damaged to repair it? Wouldn’t it be easier to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place? New construction piering is the most durable, useful investment you can make with your new home or business. It can save you both time and money, and you won’t ever have to worry about a settling foundation.
The soil found in and around Atlanta can cause some pretty extensive damage to your home. Sometimes, the home may not be constructed properly, causing the home to sink over time. However, most often, the sinking is a natural reaction to the loose soil in Georgia. After bearing the weight of your home for an extended period of time, the soil beneath your foundation will begin to compact under the pressure. This can leave large, gaping spaces beneath the concrete, and the concrete is not strong enough to support the weight of your home without the soil beneath it. This can lead to sinking, cracking, and possible water damage in your basement.
The problems can extend to the other parts of your home as well. If the soil beneath your foundation settles, it can cause:
- sticking doors or windows
- leaning or bowing walls
- garage column cracks
- leaning chimney
- cracked floors or walls
- water in your crawlspace
- sloped floors
To prevent these problems from plaguing your home, consider new construction piering in Atlanta. Helical piers can be installed while your home is being constructed. This means that your house is given extra support, and you don’t have to worry about the soil sinking beneath it. Helical piers are durable and strong, keeping your home stable for many years to come. Don’t wait for a problem with a sinking foundation to inevitably show up – prevent it from happening with new construction piering.
Piering for Commercial Projects in Atlanta, GA by Atlas Piers
Here at Atlas, we understand that your business can feel like your baby, and we want to help you protect that baby from the effects of sinking soil. Businesses in Atlanta are just as susceptible to foundation failure, and investing in helical piering for your new commercial construction can mean investing in your businesses’ future. A single crack in your businesses’ foundation can ruin its professional look and potentially scare away or harm customers. Why take the chance? Make the investment with new commercial construction underpinning.
When installing helical piers during construction, the mess is minimized.
You won’t ever have to worry about cracks in your floors that could trip customers, or water in your basement because your foundation has shifted. There will be no sloping floors, no sticking windows, and no emergency call to Atlas because you have a leaning wall that’s threatening collapse. Our helical piers will keep your foundation secure and level, no matter what the conditions of the soil are. Whether the soil is expanding because of excess rainfall or shrinking because of weight or drought, you can be sure that your businesses’ foundation will stay where it is. New construction piering in Atlanta takes away some of the stress of owning a business so that you can focus solely on what matters most – the business itself.
If you’re looking to make an investment in your home or business and would like some more information on new construction piering, contact Atlas Piers of Atlanta today. You can trust us to ensure the stability of your home and business.