Underpinning Products and Your Atlanta Home
Underpinning Products Atlanta
The task of keeping your foundation in good condition is vital to the stability and safety of your home or commercial building. Sturdy foundations make for a well-supported home; you won’t have to worry about your home becoming unsafe. Plus, a home with a good foundation has significant more value than one with an unstable foundation, as the foundation repair costs can be quite high. Often, the symptoms of a failing foundation (leaning walls, bowing walls, sloped or uneven floors, floor cracks, wall cracks, sticking windows, sticking doors, etc.) lead homeowners to seek out repair methods on their own. While this may sound like a tempting alternative, the only real solution to effectively repair a shifting foundation is underpinning products Atlanta, which should only be used by professionals such as those at Atlas Piers.
Underpinning is the method used to lift and stabilize sinking or settling foundations. This process involves extending the foundation into a deeper soil layer. The soil directly beneath a foundation is often susceptible to movement, especially if the water level fluctuates dramatically. The soil a few layers deeper, however, is much more stable and less likely to shift. By adding additional supporting piers, piles, or anchors to the footings, we can provide adequate support for the unstable structure and lift the foundation back to it’s original level.
How Underpinning Products Atlanta Work
Other types of underpinning products include: micro pull down piles, which are similar to helical and steel push piers and use steel beams and bearing plates to support the structure; and helical slab piers, which are like helical piers, only equipped with a bracket for installation on a slab foundation. Here at Atlas Piers, your satisfaction is our chief priority. That’s why we use the best quality products from reliable foundation repair supplier, ECP (Earth Contact Products). The underpinning products Atlanta from ECP are the best in the business. Make sure your home is properly supported for years to come, with underpinning services from Atlas Piers. Contact us today for more information on how we can save you failing foundation.